Hybrid Wholesale Course
Generate Hyper-Motivated Leads with Estate Sales
Turn weekend estate sales into real estate gold. Learn how to bring more motivated sellers & hidden deals, giving you 1st access to off-market opportunities before anyone else!
My offers
- Wholesale Offer CalculatorFree lifetime
- ARV Estimator Included
- Speed up ARV Calculationns
- Convert Acres to Square Feet and Vice Versa
- Make confident offers
- 3 Ways to get Offer Numbers
- Wholesale Agent Outreach List Free lifetime+1 option
- 100% free methods to find realtor contact information in your target market
- List building technique that costs ZERO dollars.
- Step-by-step guide to build an agent lists in minutes
- Hybrid Wholesale CourseSingle payment$197.00 lifetime
- No-cost, high-return lead generation via ESTATE SALES!
- Hyper-Motivated sellers who are ready to sell their properties now!
- Instant property access within days of starting the course.
- Potential deals achievable in as few as one walkthrough.
- Long-term agent relationships for ongoing leads
- Hybrid Wholesale AudiobookSingle payment$25.98 lifetime
- No-cost, high-return lead generation via ESTATE SALES!
- Hyper-Motivated sellers who are ready to sell their properties now!
- Instant property access within days
- Potential deals achievable in as few as one walkthrough.
- Long-term agent relationships for ongoing leads
See what other people are saying
I really love this course because it give a breakdown in simple terms but good details on how to generate deals in estate sales. Throughout the course it test your knowledge on what steps you to take when approaching estate sales to get deals . Each step is very important to elevate your skills in a...
Here's what you'll get
- HW COURSEUnlock weekly lead generation secrets in under an hour.
- FREE Calculator & TutorialCheck out this Awesome Free Offer Calculator. Make more offers with speed and confidence!
- FREE Calculator LinkThe link to the FREE Calculator. (You can DOWNLOAD the file in the Course section as well)
- HW Needed Apps & Files LinksAccess essential app links for seamless lead generation.
- HW ChatConnect with fellow Hybrid Wholesale real estate enthusiasts.
- HW Video CallConnect face-to-face in private or group video calls to learn and share with others.
Learn about me
I created this new wholesaling technique called hybrid wholesaling by blending direct to seller marketing with agent outreach using estate sales. I've seen firsthand how this method can transform real estate careers, generating instant property access and high returns. With my guidance, you can establish long-term agent relationships and achieve real estate success. Let's grow your portfolio!
Who this is for
- Action-TakersWHOLESALERS or Real Estate investors eager to take immediate steps to grow their real estate portfolio and see quick results.
- Empathetic WholesalersIndividuals who value building genuine relationships. Thoughtful and caring real estate lead generation.
- Real Estate EnthusiastsPeople looking to blend direct to seller marketing with agent outreach for a robust lead generation strategy.
- Experienced WholesalersWHOLESALERS who are looking for new ways to generate wholesale leads.
- Real Estate InvestorsInvestors who want new ways to source leads.
- No-cost, high-return lead generation via ESTATE SALES!
- Hyper-Motivated sellers who are ready to sell their properties now!
- Instant property access within days of starting the course.
- Potential deals achievable in as few as one walkthrough.
- Long-term agent relationships for ongoing leads
Frequently asked questions
I really love this course because it give a breakdown in simple terms but good details on how to generate deals in estate sales. Throughout the course it test your knowledge on what steps you to take when approaching estate sales to get deals . Each step is very important to elevate your skills in a...