I have just started, but sofar the information shared is very clear and helpful
The precision with which price delivers once time aligns.
It takes time to undestand but the best mentorship out there
Zeussy's model and style of teaching not only enforces precision, but also includes risk management and patience.
Zeussy knows what he is teaching. It's the exact thing I needed for day trading, as I am someone who needed to know why market behaves the way it does. Growing by leaps and bounds. In order to succeed in trading, one will need "Courage, Patience, and Discipline". All comes with time and experience i...
I have enjoyed the content 4 weeks in. Thus far it has shown a greater understanding to the markets. Looking forward to the rest
TOTK is one of the best investments you can make in your journey to becoming a profitable trader or even wanting to gain more knowledge of the markets! I believe whether you are a beginner trader or a veteran you will gain a better understanding of the markets
Great lectures and daily reviews
Really appreciate Zeussy’s teaching style. Methodical and patient - forcing the student to SLOW DOWN and master each lecture before moving forward. This approach has created lasting progress and profitability
love the interaction and teaching.