Lots of great Information. Bi weekly zoom calls makes it worth the money plus a ton of extra help from multiple resellers. Best $30 monthly expense. Tons of great tips
This community brings together a passionate group of people with diverse experiences and business ranging from Amazon, Walmart, eBay, etc all the way to pallet liquidations. With the support of people in the community we were able to get our eBay store started to start to chip away at the Amazon ret...
It’s so nice to interact with sellers from multiple ecommerce platforms. I've learned so much. The resources and networking opportunities are priceless!
In less than a month, our sales numbers both quantity and dollar amount have increased more than 900% in January 2024 compared to January 2023. We're already over 1/4 of the way to our total 2023 $$$ sold. Thanks to this network, and their help, videos, and advice.