Overall rating
67 reviewsThe #1 place to consistently make profit long term with sports betting. The contributors post numerous plays daily and answer any questions you have. They make custom profit boosts made for all bankrolls. 100% transparent and reliable.
Before finding this discord, I had lost lost hundreds, If not thousands of dollars trying to devise a winning strategy based on "research" and "trends." I began with these guys around January of this year, as I was just beginning my journey in "+ev" betting". 8 or 9 months later, I am up over 20k on...
Wonderful resource for +ev betting. Great group.
This is the goat discord. I’d pay over $100 a month for this easily. You’ll learn more than any other place. Everyone in here is working together for each other!
incredible value. the discord is so helpful and full of other like-minded EV bettors. my favorite thing about it is it's truly a community effort - no egos.
I’m making so much money I don’t even know what to do with myself. Euro trip? Floor seats to the game? Personal butler to make me dirty martinis with those blue cheese stuffed olives? I might start dressing up in a 3 piece suit while I’m home alone just because I can. Anyways, don’t make this decisi...
Could be the best $50 you will ever spend if your dedicated and get the bets placed.