Overall rating

5 reviews
  • Trading is immensely challenging and can often leave individuals feeling psychologically and financially overwhelmed. Despite the incredible perks of financial independence, the difficulties in acquiring this independence can sometimes make it feel impossible to attain. As I trek along my own tradin...

  • This group is actually a game changer. Instead of signal selling Dee teaches u in depth knowledge of his strategies so that u can take trades on your own. His strategies do work 80-90% of time and he also provides free limited time access to his discord (strategies) for anyone who wants to join his...

  • Before joining Dee and Evolution Traders community, I spent a lot of money and time trying to learn trading futures with very poor results. My journey with Evolution Traders began in Spring 2024, and since then I have been able to pass evaluations and take multiple withdrawals in less than a year. ...

  • I started with the free youtube videos and streaming sessions Dee provided. After a few weeks I joined and made my money back on my first trade using his concepts. There are so many benefits to the community but I will provide the four most important to me: 1. He keeps it real. There is no fluff o...

  • Been apart of this Evolution discord going on 3 years now. Was able to leave my 9-5 day job with the help of Dee. No one puts in more time to their craft than Dee Anthony he is always available during market hours and even after to answer any questions or concerns you have. The way he teaches is eas...