Friendly group with owner and administrators that really care. Plenty of opportunities to make money and just things you'd buy personally cover the monthly fee most months. Plenty of other groups are out there - but join Bandar's and you won't regret it!
You are missing a lot if you don't get in with us! You can get what you paid from one hit!
I love Bandar's Bounties. I've been in here for almost 3 years and it's the best group I've ever joined. There are countless opportunities each month to make money. The server is also equipped with a great owner and great staff that work hard to help members get their money's worth and more out of t...
Bandars bounties is a 10/10 group, I’ve had a great experience with them all, the staff is friendly and the members are aswell. They’ve guided me throughout the entire process of selling my products to buying them. They always are first to ping any errors or resell worthy items. Most definitely woul...
Bandar was the first group I joined to learn reselling, and the first month I made triple+ the membership cost. they a wide area of different reselling categories and As of speed and being the first of big discounts and errors, they are the fastest I've seen. Majority of the time there is constant f...
If you're reading reviews to gauge if bandars group is worth it, I can leave my word to tell you it 100% has been worthy for me and some of my friends too. Great place where tons of cooks seem to first originate. Also great spot to learn as a beginner and later thrive with more experience. Join us i...
This group is the right place to be for the best cooks. The group is well organized, and easy to understand. You can make your money back in one month pretty easily.
Great server with tons of resources for reselling. Super easy to make money if you use these resources. Very light-hearted atmosphere which makes talking with everybody super fun
Best group ive been in so far. Quick notifications for price errors and deals usually before the other groups. Excellent community. Very knowledgeable staff willing to teach you
One of the best cook groups out there. Always one of the first groups to be on top of big errors and drops. Staff is always willing to help with any issues. Community is friendly and everyone helps each other find great deals and methods for products across all websites. Bandar (Owner) does a great ...