not worth it to be honest. everything you can get here is available for free. you will also get banned for no reason if you share your "not worth" experience with elite.
free version is not bad for being free. however, token images and names often do not show up and instead just a blank image with the ticker "Unknown" is shown. the tool is useless if i have no idea what token someone interacted with and i spent $40 on ts
It wasn’t really worth the money and that’s just my honest opinion
Got banned without a reason or warning. Staff doesn't reply can't connect anyone.
Serious review on Potion - Completely waste of money - If you are looking to learn from the founder, orangie, avoid paying 200$ for it since he sends on average 2 message per day. - If you are looking for good trenchers, the average marketcap of the coins sent in the main chat is sub 20k and they a...
I had been using the free discord for a little over a month and got banned with no explanation or warning.
Got kicked no explanation
Came here hoping to get clarification on a trading video that is impossible to duplicate. Got a ratings screen instead.
Not so great
Its been 2-3 weeks me paying for the membership I I got banned out of no where. No one wants to answer me or there's nothing to reach out for customer service. Very sad the treatment I have received I really this was a proffesional Discord