Overall rating
114 reviewsIf you are looking for a legit place to get real trade alerts from multiple traders, look no further. Join @Oasisalerts. It's that simple. I've been a subscriber to other groups that didn't begin to compare to this one. The education, training, and access to ask for help alone are worth the price. I...
On the money ! Daily Learning and improving trades.
Very grateful for this opportunity to experience the channel before I even have results, good or bad- I want to say thank you for the tools and resources in advance that I didn’t realize I needed till getting connected to this discord. Thanks again!
Moderators are very good and experienced. I have been a part of this group for around a month and can’t thank enough the group for their knowledge and trading psychology.
No joke, the community is what brings me here overall. Love seeing actual people wanting to make it in the markets 🐐
Good Discord for every type of trader. More expert traders can give their opinion on a ticket and discuss about it. Newer traders can learn a lot here, education is key!
This Discord group is a do not miss opportunity. No smoke and mirrors or overhyped trade results! The team at Oasis Trading delivers an honest, smart working group that offers clear and concise input to help you achieve your trading goals and has put the best interest if it's members first. The guy...
have been a member for two months and worth it. you still got to put time and energy into the trades but everything is a learning process
I have belonged to a couple of discords that were cheaper, times are tough for me but I have been following Oasis on twitter for awhile know since it’s free. I don’t trade much but the knowledge I get from joining the discord and the twitter the 50$ is well worth it. These guys put in work day after...
This place is the best I’ve been in 5 different discords and this is the one where I’ve learnt the most in and I think I am actually finding my edge slowly but surely special thanks to Oakley & Lippz