Kingcap is the GOAT!! His transparency and communication is second to none. Will continue to be a customer and student of the game
Really love what u doing bro I spoke to u personally a few times to remind you how impressive u are at this ..and bro never seen anything like it win or lose I'm rocking out wit u
Highly recommend! If you're tired of being broke and want money in your pockets, this is the guy to invest in!
Very knowledgeable, Goes of intuition and years of trial and error , would definitely recommend for anyone trying to build their bank roll
I recently went back to school to get a Masters degree. I've been watching his lives for a few months and buying the weekly packages. All my winning have helped me pay for school. He's the the real deal. Highly recommend.
Great service definitely a real one "catch a live change your life"
When I say KingCap is the GOAT trust me once you in you in on that real bag! Been on Instagram since it started and @Kingcap is the only one ever kept his word about his picks and parlays and everything else he has said! The real goat! Get in on a package you won't be disappointed! This man knows hi...
I just started getting picks from kingcap not too long ago and already he’s helped me hit some great picks and make some money bro is the goat
Kap is a not only very transparent handicapper but as real as they get and is very knowledgeable about sports the best handicapper I’ve followed hands down guy is a legit genius
Best capper in the game he ALTs up which means you make more profit than a usual average capper. Packages pay for there self after just 1 day.