Overall rating
The Traveling Trader is the best stock group on the internet in my opinion. Z has truly life changing insights.
I have been following Z for over three years. He is genuine and down to earth! I am super excited to have joined the lifetime discord with all access! Thank you Z !!
I allready know this will be the best investment of my life!
Subscribing to Z's trading wisdom was the best decision for me! There is so much to learn and so much knowledge sharing going in the group. I feel excited to be part of this group.
been trading for 5 years , struggeling to be profitable joined z month ago and learned more then i did before in those 5 years , good dude to learn from
I can't help but share my enthusiastic endorsement for The Travelling Trader, whose YouTube channel has become my go-to source for navigating the complex world of financial markets. The wealth of knowledge and engaging content has been an invaluable asset in shaping my investment journey. The commu...
There is a ton of value and learning on the discord Z runs
This discord is very informative. There is an active community along with several analysts who post daily live trades. Z frequently has live zoom calls during market open to provide analysis and answer questions. I learn something new everyday. This discord definitely provides high value.
I got my money back spent on the lifetime membership in trades alerted by Z in 2 months!
Z's trading group has been a game-changer for me in both investing and day trading. I've been in a lot of trading groups (paid and free), and nothing compares to The Traveling Trader's. He and his analysts (both current and past) have a very good proven track record and they emphasize a lot on risk ...