Only group you need to get ya fetti up 100
just joined this month myself, finally got accepted, loving it. such a dope server. one of the true OG cook groups and straight professionals through and through. ur missing out if u dont join.
Great service, great staff. Been in here for nearly a year been overall a very good experience!
This society has allowed me to set up multiple side hustles and I’m extremely grateful for Hidden Society!!!
Hidden is the best group I’ve ever been in. This isn’t an ordinary group doing the small things. Every category, every market, every profitable endeavor is covered. Worth every penny.
Hidden Society has straight up changed my life financially. This is by far the best Discord group I have ever been in. I started off with sneakers, then made the transition into NFTs where I was able to make numbers into the 6 figures. The staff team are all extremely friendly, they are constantly...
Finally got accepted and it's totally worth it! It would be nice to have a guide to start in the sneakers or Amazon business. Lots of content and ways to make money!
First week in hidden, well worth the fee. On point calls and information with quick pings. Already made the cost back plus profit with 3 weeks left. Hidden makes it to easy.
hidden starts my NFT journey and it always has NFT information right on place. Very happy for all the things I have learned in the group and for sure all the money made
Been here for almost two years for mainly NFTs. I started NFTs here and the info was one of the best in the bull. Felt so welcome by everyone in hidden.