Highly recommend. My first day in the group got over $500 worth of free tools. Sold them all locally in 3 days!
Frugal has been a game changer. The time you put in for the money you make is a no brainer!
Highly recommend the group , bunch of support and monitors /software that help make you money - already made my costs back in a day
Frugal so far has been a great side hustle for me. I was able to make my $75 back and a extra 135 in 3 days
This group is awesome. I have learned so many life skills and many different ways to make a living. This group is a game changer
I really like how helpful this group is. Whenever I have a question, everyone is quick to answer and super helpful. Great tips on how to make money and scale your business!
Frugal is a great group ive been it for like not even a week and already found so many deals worth my time and making me like 20 times what i paid for the group!!
Amazing support and super easy + many options for anyone!
Joined frugal already made my first sale with the homedepot clearance bot can't wait to cook more, so close to paying off my membership!
Honestly its fair value for what you get, the advice, the team, the community, its all great. Made back my monthly in my first week. 10/10