Engineering ChallengesAI Chat 1/ Build your own Whop with a chat app in it. Submit your links to your whops in the challenge submission here:
2/ You have until 2pm ET to make sure that your chat is moderated with AI. Meaning anyone can join your whop (make it free) and talk in the chat, and your user will chime in (powered by AI)
3/ At 2pm ET, everyone can go fuck around in eachothers whops and talk in the chat. Your user should respond and engage in the chat.
We will be voting based on how engaging your user is. It must respond instantly to prove that it is in fact AI. More than a 3-4 second lag will be clear you are faking it. It should be funny, contextually aware, and match the purpose of your whop. For example, if you make your whop about engineering challenges, it should be geared towards that. If your whop is about helping people become dentists, it should be geared towards that. If your whop is a meme generator, it should generate memes in chat upon request.
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