Best server for survivor pools, bracket challenges, and more fun games. Lot of people in there and everybody stays positive. 10/10
I've been a member of about 20 sports betting Discords. This one is by far the best. Besides the winning, this is one of the few positive communities where everybody wants everybody to win. They also run really fun survivor pools and bracket challenges, so if you're into that, this is the place to ...
Awesome group been in here for I think ab over 6months and learned a lot to wear it was easily help pay some of my bills and still go out and drink and have a good time I’ll be back when basketball comes around.
One of the best discords sports betting servers. The team is very involved and keep everyone up to point on the hottest plays and news!
You will not find better value. Transparent, responsive, and responsible! This discord easily pays for itself! Get onboard, you won’t be disappointed!
Massive amount of information with 3 different cappers giving picks and insight. Multiple sports offered with free community games an added bonus. Spot Futures and live plays. Comprehensive tracking. All this with friendly staff and a fair price. This site blows away the last site I tried and ...
Not much to complain about here! Paid for my subscription Day 1. Day3= $$$ in the bank, and still rolling. Not sure how they do it, but these guys have been nailing it. Very helpful with any questions I have also. Definitely looking forward to riding this wave! Thank you!
Great profit every week!
I just signed up for VIP and have paid for the monthly package in one day worth of winnings. Have joined other VIP groups that are okay but they post 30-50 bets each day. I never know which ones to take and it’s too overwhelming. Would rather have 10-15 bets a day that are well researched and bet...
Getting so good value picks in the premium section